Moving On

Moving On I have been happily married to my loving wife Sharon for many years now with three daughters, Jessica, Julia and Jacquelyn who we adore.  Some of you who are parents know that you have a small window of opportunity to spend time with your children before...

A Microphones

A Microphones Building Microphones is like writing songs. You have an idea and direction and then you get started. Sometimes it happens very quickly and other times you labor to get through it. I have found merit in both, but it all comes from the place as that you...

Blue Microphones

Blue Microphones In the 1980’s, I met Martins Saulespurens, an electronic engineer who was able to fix the vintage European microphones I needed to capture the audiophile sound of Jazz records required under my recording contracts.   Martins and I became...

Walkin on a Wire

Walking on a Wire In 1999 Sjaak De Bruijn approached me once again. He had landed a new job as the head of A&R for Gold Circle Entertainment in Europe. They were putting together a record label and he graciously thought of me. He asked what I was up to and when I...